Posts Tagged ‘techno’

Joe And Will Ask?

Whether it’s the creative use of punctuation in their name, their splendid remix work or the genre-hopping scope of their original productions, it’s clear that something about Joe and Will Ask? has caught the imagination of the electronic underground. The combination of Joe Ashworth, whose puppy dog looks bear a glancing resemblance to teen-flick star Michael Cera, and Will Green, who looks like he’d be more at home on a catwalk runway. Oh, wait… He’s already been there and done that. Before Joe and Will ascend forever into the dizzy heights of electronic stardom, we thought we’d bring them down to earth for a second to join us for a pint in Sheffield’s favourite indie boozer, Bungalows and Bears. read the rest

Public Intellectual Grudge Match.

McCloud vs DeBotton: For Alain everyday things are a treat, he either thinks they’re fantastic or wonders why we do them at all, but we know they’re fucking rubbish and do them every day because we have to.

Bike Shop Freemasonry.

Entering the bike shop with its array of gadgets, alien lingo and Lycra clad leg shavers was too daunting an undertaking for this self-conscious teeny-bopper: both literally and metaphorically I didn’t have the bollocks.

FrenchMottershead: Shops - Interview.

An interview with Rebecca French and Andrew Mottershead. The artists behind the Site Gallery’s latest exhibition.